the beginning
The world of Demorra was created by the hands of the One, an immortal being with power beyond understanding. The One populated this world with powerful creatures called the Deiera. Though the powers of the Deiera were pale in comparison, they took pleasure in improving on the world that their creator started.
the beginning
Life became abundant on Demorra as the Deiera created various mortal races to occupy the lands they formed. In return for giving them life, these mortals worshiped the Deiera as gods. For a time, the gods and mortals lived in harmony. However, this peace did not last forever...
The mortals began forming a rule of law of their own. Some rose to power by taking advantage of the weak, while others resisted the oppression of these self-imposed rulers. Before long, wars broke out and the once peaceful world of Demorra was thrown into chaos.
Many prayed to the gods for guidance and begged them to end their suffering. Though the gods were forbidden to harm any of their children by their own hands, they could no longer stand aside and watch as the world they helped build crumbled beneath them.
the first deifos
The gods sought those who aimed only to end the wars and bring peace back to the land. They discovered several mortals who had a strong sense of justice throughout the world of Demorra and gave these select children a special orb called a Deimorph Stone, which can be infused with a portion of a god’s essence.
the first deifos
These chosen children were able to equip the Deimorph Stones inside specially crafted Divine Weapons that allowed them to channel the essence inside, transform into avatars of the gods, and gain access to a sliver of their power.
the first deifos
These individuals became known as the Deifos. Using this power, the Deifos spread throughout the world, seeking to put an end to the corruption that plagued Demorra and bring those responsible to justice.
the brothers
Among the first of the Deifos were two brothers, Olyx and Enedor. Before receiving the blessings of the gods, the brothers were already well-respected warriors. Once receiving the gods’ powers, they were able to wield it in very unique and inventive ways. Others who witnessed their talent idolized the brothers, who quickly rose up to teach and lead the other Deifos.
the brothers
With Olyx and Enedor’s guidance, the Deifos quickly began turning the tides of battle. It wasn’t long after that Demorra found peace once again. Rulers were elected throughout the world to bring law and order to the land, but the Deifos found themselves debating their role in this new world.
a deifos' role
The brothers had very different viewpoints on what this role of the Deifos should be. Olyx believed that the Deifos should try to remain neutral and stay out of the affairs of the state. He thought the Deifos should focus simply on maintaining peace, only to interfere if corruption began finding its way back into the kingdoms.
a deifos' role
Enedor believed that the greed of mortals was too strong, and if the Deifos passively sat by, the corruption was inevitable. He believed the only way to achieve the peace they sought was to enforce it. After realizing very few Deifos agreed with him, and that he’d have to be the one to enforce his vision for peace, Enedor began to seek out ways to make himself stronger.
legendary weapon
Enedor traveled throughout all of Demorra, eventually learning of a legendary weapon forged by the former God of War, Karavos. This weapon was said to have the ability to slay the gods, but had been lost long ago. However, after many years of searching, Enedor successfully found the Blade of Karavos.
legendary weapon
Enedor knew he was one of the strongest mortals with just a portion of the gods’ powers. However, in order to achieve his vision, he would likely have to challenge the other Deifos, including his brother. To do that, he wouldn’t be able to settle for a sliver of a god's power; he’d have to take it all.
the fall of enedor
Determined to see his plan through to the end, Enedor used the Blade of Karavos to do the unthinkable. Under the guise of seeking tutelage from the god of wind, Veiter, the two met. Enedor found the perfect moment to strike. Taken by surprise, Veiter was unable to defend himself and fell to the ground.
the fall of enedor
Enedor took this moment to drain the entirety of Veiter's godly essence. He felt a rush like never before, confident he’d found the answer he was looking for. However, that confidence quickly waned as agonizing pain shot through his entire body.
the fall of enedor
It was known by the gods that a mortal body could not withstand too much of a god's essence. As such, they were always careful to only give the Deifos a portion. This power began to corrupt Enedor; mind, body, and soul. He was no longer human anymore, but neither a god.
the demon lord
Thus giving birth to the world’s first demon. Though his strength grew immensely, whatever ideals Enedor held for peace, were now consumed by his sole desire for power.
the demon lord
Much like the gods’ ability to give their essence to mortals to create Deifos, Enedor discovered he had the ability to give his essence and create lesser demons. Using this dark power to corrupt and transform others, he amassed a vast army and was given a new name, the Demon Lord.
war of the gods
The Deifos and mortals of the world were quickly overwhelmed, and the gods had no choice but to join the fight against the demons. So began the War of the Gods.
the demon seals
After many years of battle, the gods managed to construct four magical seals around the world and used them to banish the Demon Lord and his followers to another realm. Although peace returned to Demorra, the gods felt that, in order to prevent this from ever happening again, it was best that they too depart the mortal realm for good.
realm of the gods
And so, they created Terdorum, the realm of the gods. However, they did not want to abandon their children completely. They desired that the Deifos maintain the ability to transform into their avatars, as they wanted the Deifos to be their representation in this world after they were gone. This meant that they had to find a way to bestow their essence without them physically being present in the world.
temples of the gods
Each god had a temple constructed throughout the world. This would be a place heavily infused with that god’s essence. At these temples, the Deifos could commune with the gods, complete challenges to prove themselves worthy, and if successful, receive a Deimorph stone imbued with that gods' essence so that the Deifos may wield their power.
peace and order
Following the teachings of Olyx, maintaining peace and order became the way of the Deifos for all generations to come. Young Deifos in training would seek out the temples of various gods, complete their challenges, and learn to harness the abilities of the gods until they became true Deifos Masters.
you are a deifos!
Millennia has passed, but the traditions of the Deifos remain. This is where your journey begins. Go forth, seek out the gods. Learn to harness their power. And never forget, you are a Deifos, proud warrior of the gods!


The world of Demorra was created by the hands of the One, an immortal being with power beyond understanding. The One populated this world with powerful creatures called the Deiera. Though the powers of the Deiera were pale in comparison, they took pleasure in improving on the world that their creator started.

Life became abundant on Demorra as the Deiera created various mortal races to occupy the lands they formed. In return for giving them life, these mortals worshiped the Deiera as gods. For a time, the gods and mortals lived in harmony. However, this peace did not last forever…


The mortals began forming a rule of law of their own. Some rose to power by taking advantage of the weak, while others resisted the oppression of these self-imposed rulers. Before long, wars broke out and the once peaceful world of Demorra was thrown into chaos.

Many prayed to the gods for guidance and begged them to end their suffering. Though the gods were forbidden to harm any of their children by their own hands, they could no longer stand aside and watch as the world they helped build crumbled beneath them.


The gods sought those who aimed only to end the wars and bring peace back to the land. They discovered several mortals who had a strong sense of justice throughout the world of Demorra and gave these select children a special orb called a Deimorph Stone, which can be infused with a portion of a god’s essence.

These chosen children were able to equip the Deimorph Stones inside specially crafted Divine Weapons that allowed them to channel the essence inside, transform into avatars of the gods, and gain access to a sliver of their power.

These individuals became known as the Deifos. Using this power, the Deifos spread throughout the world, seeking to put an end to the corruption that plagued Demorra and bring those responsible to justice.


Among the first of the Deifos were two brothers, Olyx and Enedor. Before receiving the blessings of the gods, the brothers were already well-respected warriors. Once receiving the gods’ powers, they were able to wield it in very unique and inventive ways. Others who witnessed their talent idolized the brothers, who quickly rose up to teach and lead the other Deifos.

With Olyx and Enedor’s guidance, the Deifos quickly began turning the tides of battle. It wasn’t long after that Demorra found peace once again. Rulers were elected throughout the world to bring law and order to the land, but the Deifos found themselves debating their role in this new world.


The brothers had very different viewpoints on what this role of the Deifos should be. Olyx believed that the Deifos should try to remain neutral and stay out of the affairs of the state. He thought the Deifos should focus simply on maintaining peace, only to interfere if corruption began finding its way back into the kingdoms.

Enedor believed that the greed of mortals was too strong, and if the Deifos passively sat by, the corruption was inevitable. He believed the only way to achieve the peace they sought was to enforce it. After realizing very few Deifos agreed with him, and that he’d have to be the one to enforce his vision for peace, Enedor began to seek out ways to make himself stronger.


Enedor traveled throughout all of Demorra, eventually learning of a legendary weapon forged by the former God of War, Karavos. This weapon was said to have the ability to slay the gods, but had been lost long ago. However, after many years of searching, Enedor successfully found the Blade of Karavos.

Enedor knew he was one of the strongest mortals with just a portion of the gods’ powers. However, in order to achieve his vision, he would likely have to challenge the other Deifos, including his brother. To do that, he wouldn’t be able to settle for a sliver of a god’s power; he’d have to take it all.

Determined to see his plan through to the end, Enedor used the Blade of Karavos to do the unthinkable. Under the guise of seeking tutelage from the god of wind, Veiter, the two met. Enedor found the perfect moment to strike. Taken by surprise, Veiter was unable to defend himself and fell to the ground.

Enedor took this moment to drain the entirety of Veiter’s godly essence. He felt a rush like never before, confident he’d found the answer he was looking for. However, that confidence quickly waned as agonizing pain shot through his entire body.

It was known by the gods that a mortal body could not withstand too much of a god’s essence. As such, they were always careful to only give the Deifos a portion. This power began to corrupt Enedor; mind, body, and soul. He was no longer human anymore, but neither a god.


Thus giving birth to the world’s first demon. Though his strength grew immensely, whatever ideals Enedor held for peace, were now consumed by his sole desire for power.

Much like the gods’ ability to give their essence to mortals to create Deifos, Enedor discovered he had the ability to give his essence and create lesser demons. Using this dark power to corrupt and transform others, he amassed a vast army and was given a new name, the Demon Lord.


The Deifos and mortals of the world were quickly overwhelmed, and the gods had no choice but to join the fight against the demons. So began the War of the Gods.


After many years of battle, the gods managed to construct four magical seals around the world and used them to banish the Demon Lord and his followers to another realm. Although peace returned to Demorra, the gods felt that, in order to prevent this from ever happening again, it was best that they too depart the mortal realm for good.


And so, they created Terdorum, the realm of the gods. However, they did not want to abandon their children completely. They desired that the Deifos maintain the ability to transform into their avatars, as they wanted the Deifos to be their representation in this world after they were gone. This meant that they had to find a way to bestow their essence without them physically being present in the world.


Each god had a temple constructed throughout the world. This would be a place heavily infused with that god’s essence. At these temples, the Deifos could commune with the gods, complete challenges to prove themselves worthy, and if successful, receive a Deimorph stone imbued with that gods’ essence so that the Deifos may wield their power.


Following the teachings of Olyx, maintaining peace and order became the way of the Deifos for all generations to come. Young Deifos in training would seek out the temples of various gods, complete their challenges, and learn to harness the abilities of the gods until they became true Deifos Masters.


Millennia has passed, but the traditions of the Deifos remain. This is where your journey begins. Go forth, seek out the gods. Learn to harness their power. And never forget, you are a Deifos, proud warrior of the gods!

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