Magvol is a fierce god. His explosive temper often gets the better of him. The expression, “a man who always seems to have a chip on his shoulder”, is taken literally in his case. Forever chained to a trough of molten lava, as a reminder of his purpose and past mistakes, Magvol is generally not one to carry on a pleasant conversation.
Magvol’s explosive temper is matched by the power he wields. Tossing his trough that erupts with molten lava, Magvol takes great pleasure in incinerating his foes. His passive allows him to float above the ground as he doles out judgement. Rendering him unaffected by traps and other dangers on the ground. His divine aura allows himself, and other gods equipped, to radiate intense heat dealing damage to all nearby foes and catching flammable objects on fire. Magvol’s kit provides players with massive power and area of effect damage.
Magvol is a fierce god. His explosive temper often gets the better of him. The expression, “a man who always seems to have a chip on his shoulder”, is taken literally in his case. Forever chained to a trough of molten lava, as a reminder of his purpose and past mistakes, Magvol is generally not one to carry on a pleasant conversation.
Magvol’s explosive temper is matched by the power he wields. Tossing his trough that erupts with molten lava, Magvol takes great pleasure in incinerating his foes. His passive allows him to float above the ground as he doles out judgement. Rendering him unaffected by traps and other dangers on the ground. His divine aura allows himself, and other gods equipped, to radiate intense heat dealing damage to all nearby foes and catching flammable objects on fire. Magvol’s kit provides players with massive power and area of effect damage.